Want to win $500 worth of tattooing by Mike Nassar (@skinstainer)?! Here’s your chance! Follow instructions below to enter!
– 1 entry = $20 (no entry limit)
– Tickets available at Harbourside Tattoo & online via e-transfer (send to strengthagainstsilence@gmail.com with password: tattoo)
– All tickets purchased must include name, phone number and e-mail (when entering online, please include contact info in the e-transfer message box)
– All proceeds go towards the “Take Action for Animals” campaign to help raise money for Animal Justice
– Raffle ends at 12pm on Thursday, April 9th!
Good luck and please share!
#harboursidetattoo #tattoo #tattoogiveaway #charity #takeactionforanimals #mikenassar #vancouvertattoo #vancitytattoo #tattooraffle #realism #realismtattoo #vancouvertattooshop #Vancouvertattooartist #vancouver #yvr #vancouvertattoo #dailyhive #bngsociety #inkjecta #eternalink #eikon #vancity #eastvan #Tattoos